This is the story of two prints I made the past two years. In the spring of 2022 I took a drawing three class at southeast missouri state university. Drawing three, while being a drawing class, is more of a class to start experimenting with conceptual work and really push the meaning of what a “drawing” is. The prompt was “text and actvism” so I came up with the idea to make a print about how people percive women with short hair.

As someone who has decided to have shorter hair for various reasons and has consistanly been judged by others for having short hair I felt like adressing this steryotype was important as it’s something I deal with and I know I’m not alone.

In the spring of 2023 “That Sucks” won a honerable mention in printmaking and drawing in the SEMO Student Jurried Show

In fall of 2023 I was looking through all of my suplies and I found the woodblock that I printed “That Sucks” off of. I decided to make a similarly stylized eddition of prints but this time not about being judged by ones hair but being judged by who one loves in a hatefull manner not a logical one. I have faced much adversity in my life for who I have loved and wanted to make a print for those who relate.

One of the prints of “Fobidden Love” will be on display from Janurary 12th till Feburary 17th of 2024 at the Soulard Art Gallery. The exhibition is titled “Broken Hearts” and is a jurried exhibition with the reception on Friday, Janurary 12th from 7pm – 9pm with awards at 8pm. I will be in attendance on the opening reception night and hope to see anyone who can make it there!