front of the portfilio for the print exchange
Front of the folder that holds the exchange

In the fall semester of 2021 at Southeast Missouri State University I took Intro to Printmaking. For our last project of the semester we had the option to participate in a print exchange with the University of Texas at San Antonio!

back of the portfolio for the print exchange
Back of the folder that holds the exchange

I participated in the exchange and made a print with a polyester plate (litho) and rolled up a woodblock with the color ink for the background colors.

check out my other prints on my portfolio page

Sarah Bussmann was a classmate of mine that semester! She participated in the print exchange and made a print titled “by yourself” for the exchange.

Sarah’s Instagram Linked Here!

Erin Ashwell is a now graduated fellow printmaking emphasis from SEMO and also participated in the print exchange. She made a print titled “I Don’t Feel Ok”.

Erin’s Instagram Linked Here

Our Amazing Printmaking professor at SEMO, Hannah March Sanders, also participated in the print exchange and made this fantastic screenprint for the exchange!


As I mentioned, this exhange was between printmakers from Southeast Missouri State University and University of Texas at San Antonio. I got into contact with Alina De Leon who not only designed the portofolio folder but also made a print that is part of this exchange!

“Eternal Flowers”

Making this blog post not only let me reminisce on my time at SEMO as I participated in this print exchange my first semester at SEMO it also reminded me of how far I’ve come. That Intro to print class was the first printmaking class I ever took and now I’m about to graduate with my bachelor’s of fine arts in art with an emphasis in printmaking.

You know I had to take some grad pics in the print studio! 🤣

I’m also so happy to have made this blog post as i got to reach out to people that I havent talked to in a while and in the case of reaching out to Alina De Leon I had never talked to her so it was nice to finally talk even if it was two years after the exhange!